Monday, January 3, 2011

and it begins...

Technology is everywhere! It's in what we eat, wear, see, drive, hear, etc. Our everyday lives are consumed by technology and we can't escape it (unless you move to a secluded island and live a life à la Tom Hanks in Castaway), therefore we must learn to live with it.

This blog embraces technology and looks at how we can use it in our daily lives. We'll look at innovative, cutting-edge, and game changing technologies, as well historical technological advances that have shaped our world today.

We'll focus largely on consumer electronics, transportation, food, and fashion, but we'll deviate from this list from time to time. My goal is to educate the masses--those who want to stay current on technology so that they know what an iPhone is when their kid requests for one for Christmas. This is technology explained in an easy to understand, unguarded, available to everyone way.

This blog will evolve over time, so consider this version 1.0.

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